Love Spell 'Pasko Na, Santa Ko'


Posted on : Monday, November 20, 2006 | By : shapap | In : ,

AIAI DELAS ALAS is Crisanta, the cold-hearted manager of a toy store. She doesn’t believe in Christmas or in Santa Claus. She is vain, selfish and a very good liar. Crisanta can be called the modern day Scrooge but it’s because of something in her past that turned her into the bitter lady that she is.
VHONG NAVARRO plays Donato, the noble and kind employee in Crisanta’s toy store. He works hard for his mother and three younger brothers. Donato, unfortunately, becomes a victim of Crisanta’s bad attitude and lies. But because of his pure heart, he still helps Crisanta out whenever she is in need.
KIM CHIU is Abby, Crisanta’s eldest daughter. Although she and her sister have everything they need, they still feel unhappy. They seldom spend quality time with their mom because Crisanta’s priority is her work. Her mother’s strict ways also don’t give much freedom to Abby’s love life. She hates being set up with stuck-up, rich kids in their circle.
OLYM MEIMBIAN is Maria, Crisanta’s youngest daughter. Maria shares the same sentiments of Abby and wishes that their mom would shower them some love and affection. She too isn’t given much of a choice when it comes to love.
GERALD ANDERSON plays Ryan, one of Donato’s younger brothers. Together with his brother Paolo, they plot to revenge Donato by tricking Crisanta’s daughters to fall in love with them. But unwittingly, Ryan falls head over heels for Abby>
MATT EVANS is Paolo, Donato’s other brother and the brainchild behind Crisanta’s fall. But like Ryan, he unexpectedly likes Maria for real.
JARIUS AQUINO is Boni, the youngest brother of Donato. After witnessing the cruelty and cold- heartedness his brother’s boss to his employees, Boni makes a wish to Santa Claus to make Crisanta change for the better. Because of his pure heart, Santa grants him his wish that will eventually lead to Crisanta’s downfall and reform.
MIKEE LEE is Andrew, a rich kid and one of the sons of Crisanta’s boss. He likes Abby but he likes himself more. Andrew always talks about himself which irritates Abby to high heavens.
JOAQUI MENDOZA plays Miguel, Andrew’s brother. Like Andrew, Miguel knows nothing but to brag about but himself and their family’s wealth. He likes to impress Maria but his words fall on deaf ears.
BRENDA FOX is Ethel, Crisanta’s secretary at the toy store. She is Miss Goody-Two-Shoes always trying to please Crisanta, whom she idolizes so much. But even if she’s a very loyal employee, Crisanta lets her down in the end.
FRED PAYAWAN is John, one of Donato’s co-workers. He doesn’t escape Crisanta’s wrath.
NINA JOSE plays Jenny, another tortured employee at the toy store. Crisanta does not appreciate the hard work Jenny puts in.
BAM ROMANA is Ian, also an employee at the store. He’s cheery disposition is always dampened by Crisanta’s presence.
ALDRED GATCHALIAN plays Rico, Ryan and Paolo’s good friend. He helps them in their payback plan by lending them cars to make them look like rich teens to win Crisanta’s approval. Rico has a secret crush on their other barkada, Nicole.
MIKKI ARCEO is Nicole, Ryan, Paolo and Rico’s friend. She likes Ryan so much and is worried that Ryan might like Abby for real. What she does not know is that Rico is very much in love with her.

'Pasko Na Santa Ko!' Music Video

uploaded by kristt

uploaded by pooyan1965

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